• Utage w background
  • Utage details
  • Spiced Flowers-Utage
  • Utage on model
  • Utage on model white
  • Utage w background
  • Utage details
  • Spiced Flowers-Utage
  • Utage on model
  • Utage on model white



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Through the global pandemic, I began to crave things that represent renewal and rebirth.  I appreciated and was amazed by the bursting energy of nature budding and flowering pushing through the darkness to find sunshine.  I wanted to capture this energy in my work and am hoping to uplift people’s feeling through my work.

While I was isolated, the memories and happiness I shared with not only my family and friends but also people I met in my travel was greatly missed and became more precious.  They introduce their culture and share their lifestyle, often over their regional meals and include me just like their family.  I often bring back spices that remain deep in my memories visually and sensory associated with the culture and people from my journey.  I pursue the use of spices vibrant pigmentation to imbue color into my work and integrate the spice colors to the PCL. Spices are continually added to the heated material, hand kneaded and rolled.  The aroma and color of spices instantly revives my memories. This stage is engaging my emotions and memories into the material and the connection with the people from my journey’s.  After the coloring, each piece is formed and sculpted by hand.  When held up to the light, the semi-translucency of the PCL, allows you to view the individual grains of the spices used to color my work.  I hope my work is a celebration of our life and can connect the viewers and wearers of the piece to a memory of their own.

-Yuka Saito