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Out of stock

“When Boston went into lockdown in March, there was somehow a sentiment of a definitive action being taken that was still devoid of definition. Recommendations, best practices, and rules of law changed at a dizzying pace as 24 hour news constantly played in our home. The rapid change and attempted integration of new societal norms only seemed to cause more confusion and chaos. Having lost my job, and having my husband as a first responder, walking with our dog was one of the only times where I felt a small bit of normalcy, and even that simple task was strife with new and evolving stressors to navigate through.

I found myself afraid, concerned, without purpose, and wondering what I could do to create a bit of normalcy, sanity, and most importantly, control. I decided to embrace this forced sabbatical by focusing on a piece I had always wanted to make, but did not yet know how to create; a mokumegane patterned kinetic snake. I designed, crafted, worked through trial and error, and created a new ability and rhythm to meet this end. Once I was happy with the results, I imposed a quota on myself of finishing two pieces every day. As the pandemic continued, so did the length of my piece, a triumphant “x” on the calendar as each day passed and my quota was met. It sounds simplistic, but this truly helped me stay positive.

“A long way” focuses on the emotions of what it was to try to create while being non-essential. It is a celebration of hope, of planning for better things ahead.”

–Yuri Tozuka

The body consists of 72 articulating parts. The piece is made with sterling silver, shakudo, 18k gold, and black star sapphires. The head was hand carved in wax, cast, and inlaid. It is a necklace, as well as a stand alone kinetic sculpture.