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The concept for this necklace came from a request by Mobilia Gallery to create a piece of jewelry that reflected on the experience of the Covid Pandemic on jewelry artists and how that translated into the creation and the production of work.

For myself, I did not have much of a problem with the quietness of day to day life during this time and the strangeness of mask wearing and the huge reduction of social interaction with fellow humans.  But what I did find really difficult was enjoying the freedom of traveling to other places and the joy of exploring other countries, cities and states.

So to make up for that big loss and change in our lives, my husband and I began taking incredible walks in our own area which is Cape Ann on the North Shore of Massachusetts.  A stunning place of natural beauty, the ocean, the quarries and the extensive range of beautiful woodlands.

This necklace and all 39 beaded beads it is made up of is all about those walks and how they felt and what they meant to me.  The textures, the colors and sparkle and constant beauty of nature being true to itself, always magnificent is the story of this piece.  The walks prompted me to try new ways of creating a beaded bead in order to express the incredible range of potentials that nature provides right in front of you, everyday and on every single walk.

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