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For these brooches I used a modern twist the 18th Century technique ‘en tremblant’.

 The pieces show more the final stages of the Covid Pandemic, when we come back out of lockdown and we look at the beauty of all us humans.

The gemstones represent us, when we emerge after the pandemic, when we step out of lockdown, come out of isolation or being released from hospitals. Some of us are broken, some are chipped and some of us are unharmed, we are all a bit wobbly and a bit shaky and and have to find our stance in the world again. Nevertheless we are all special, beautiful and precious, no matter who we are and how the pandemic has affected us.

I’ve created the wobble and shake by using a modern version of an 18th century technique ‘en tremblant’. The gemstones are glued onto the top of springs and move and swing when the piece is worn. Most of them are real gemstones, though some are glass and some are cubic zirconia. Many of them are broken and chipped, some others are not – just like us humans after the Covid-19 pandemic, though we all have our intrinsic beauty and sparkle.

-Kelvin Birk