• ArataFuchi Ring
  • ArataFuchi Ring Explanation
  • DSC02374 copy
  • DSC02376 copy
  • ArataFuchi Ring
  • ArataFuchi Ring Explanation
  • DSC02374 copy
  • DSC02376 copy



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Humankind is facing a big crisis.

Invisible enemies invade our lives, daily life has changed completely. The hustle and bustle aregone in the city, it has become a desert.

How many times have we human beings faced such a crisis in the past? Every time we overcomethe crisis and continued to prosper.

Isn’t it a proof that we human beings can always overcome such obstacles? Virus invasion is anunavoidable accident, and I am convinced that we can overcome it with our vitality.

This time, I used a ring, brooch and bracelet to express the process from virus invasion to overcoming.