World renowned ceramicist Pippin Drysdale creates bold, incised porcelain forms, with glowing, saturated colors. Her work takes its inspiration from Drysdale’s interpretation of the vast Australian landscape.
“Although an urban artist, [Pippin Drysdale] seeks out places that have a special character or resonance, such as the Tanami Desert in central northern Western Australia or the Hunsa Valley at the end of the Karakoram Highway in Pakistan. Once she has absorbed the site, she carries its colours, patterns and ambience back to the studio, where she patiently re-creates their glow and echo in the delicate web of glazes etched into and brushed onto the surfaces of her elegantly shaped forms. The process of analysis, review and revision continues until she is convinced she has captured the character of each new place. The thin, tense lines, sometimes relaxed, often flowing, occasionally broken, trace the shadow gaps between the rows of dunes blown into long scarifications by the wind or the stratified rocks laid down over millennia, the rows of spinifex woven through the desert or the meandering tracks of reptiles cut into the red dirt. Sometimes she combines them with broadly brushed colour, emulating the explosion of spring, an approaching storm, the red dust sunsets of Pakistan, or with rich gold lustres evoking the riches below the surface in the eastern goldfields.”
– Ted Snell, Lines of Site
Drysdale has been honored with many prestigious awards and grants including a Master of Australian Craft award.
Art Gallery of Western Australia, Australia
Auckland Art Gallery, New Zealand
Cheongiu Museum and Art Gallery, Korea
Duke & Dutchess of Devonshire, the Chatsworth Collection, Derbyshire, UK
The Gifu Prefectural Museum, Tokyo, Japan
The Grain Pool, Seoul, Korea
MAK Musuem, Frankfurt, Germany
Museo del Ceramica, Faenza, Italy
Museum and Art Gallery of the Northern Territory, Australia
Museum of Modern Art, Gifu, Japan
National Gallery of Australia, Australian Capital Territory
National Museum of Scotland
Novosirbirsk State Gallery, Siberia, Russia
Palazza del Colsole, Gubbio, Italy
The Powerhouse Museum, New South Wales, Australia
Queensland Art Gallery, South Brisbane, Australia
Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, Australia
Tomsk State Gallery & Museum, Siberia, Russia
21st Century Museum, Kanazawa, Japan
Numerous private collections throughout the United States and Internationally