Jose Marin is a talented self-taught metalsmith; he chooses to work in titanium, the element discovered in Cornwall, England and named after the Titans of Greek mythology. He incorporates precious and semi-precious stones set in an element that is extremely difficult to work with. Marin is intrigued with the fact that titanium is found in almost all living things: water, soils and rocks.

Jose Marin achieves a beautiful, glowing spectrum of colors by anodizing titanium.


When I choose a material, it is always with the idea of transforming it into a magical object. At this time I have opted for Titanium, a unique metal. Its hardness and toughness brings the challenge of making jewels by hand. Inspired by botanicals, and combining Titanium with gold, silver and semi-precious stones, I enjoy exploring new directions for contemporary jewelry with all the colors that nature provides.

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